Originally Posted by Poppinjay
The Verbatim section of the lastest issue of Time is instructive, and at least helps me believe that the generals aren't interested in defending Rumsfeld.
"Anyone with an ounce of sense would see that it's the opposite" - Rumsfeld on the charge that the troops are over-stretched.
The next day:
"The forces are stretched, I don't think there's any question to that." - General George Casey, commander of US forces in Iraq.
Oh, General George Casey is an excelent military commander. I suspect he is the buffer between the ignorance from above and the innocence from below. He keep the idiots in the white house happy, but he does his best to protect the troops. I've never heard a bad word about him. Not all generals are ignorant, that's for sure.
The fact remains, either the generals and admirals that signed that letter are ignorant or they are covering for Rummy. THOSE military leaders are the ones that piss me off. It's the same deal with King George the Dubeyuh; he's either monumentally stupid, or he is extreemly corrupt. Neither choice is all that favorable.