I write because sometimes I have no other choice.
It is either write, get it out, and see it there in words, or keep it inside, bottled up, causing trouble.
I can't imagine not writing. I honestly can't remember a time when I didn't write. I've even won awards for it, but the writing I do now is not something I share readily. Perhaps, someday, I will share again.
I recall the words of my 9th grade teacher to my mother: "Your daughter should write a novel some day." My mother's reply, "She already has." It was true--I finished a novel by the time I was 14. Unpublishable tripe, but novel-length nonetheless, and writing it introduced me to a character that's haunted me for years. Eventually I want to spin her into a totally fictional world and write another novel featuring her--and this time have it be worthy of reading by the outside world. This time I'll be ready.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau