No, the Washington Monument is a symbol, the White House is a symbol, the trade towers were a badly thought out target. Western civilisation when it goes to war tries not to target civilians, children and women, we attempt to adhere to rules of combat and attempt to treat people with a modicum of respect.
Hitting the towers is in no way the same as this, hitting the towers resulted in the loss of a lot of civilian life, hitting the towers realistically had no point in a terror war, did it stop people using high buildings? Did it stop people flying? No, at the end of the day all it did was kill a lot of people, inconvenience us a bit more but reaslistically it hasn't changed a lot or made many people that terrified (look at London post 7/7... they were on the tubes the next day).
An equivalent target in Western society is probably Jesus, or perhaps Martin Luther King but as a society we tend to ignore a lot of things, a live and let live and turn the other cheek kind of moment as thats what we have been told, allow tolerance, allow differences, allow people of all nations, religions, faiths, colours, and shoe sizes to go on with their daily lives and work together. Not to say that the Muslim world is less tolerant but in many of their states there is a lot less tolerance (try eating a pig in the middle of say Riyadh?).