Originally Posted by Jimellow
How can you be sure you are interpreting the cartoon correctly? Is there only one interpretation that is "right"?
Because you're interpretation doesn't make sense. How is that disrespecting the soldiers? Showing them injured? I can give you the number of one of my best friends who lost his leg and he can explain to you how true it is. People are getting hurt and are losing their lives. Any sugar coating and sheltering from that is simply sheltering one's self from reality. It's not disrespectful to show reality. The disrespect is towards Donny Rummy, the man who insists that things are going well, all along sending people back and extending tours.
Originally Posted by Jimellow
To me, the cartoon is showing a doctor, in this case Rumsfield, making glib of the soldiers injuries and sacrifices.
Can you elaborate?
Originally Posted by Jimellow
Regardless of who is making glib of the situation, I think it is important for the leaders of those being disrespected to back up their men. A letter signed by them shows that they disapprove of the cartoon and its attempt at lessening the importance of what these soldiers are sacrificing in the process of serving their country.
Again, the soldier is not being disrespected. Read the response from the man who illustrated this one page one of this thread if I can't convince you. These men, generals and admirals, are protecting Rummy, not the soldiers. If they were interested in protecting the soldiers, they'd be doing EVERYTHING THEY COULD to get them home.
Originally Posted by Jimellow
George Bush could be the man in the suit, and the letter would still be justified. The leaders that sign the letter likely have more connection with their troops than George Bush or Donald Rumsfield, and thus they are 100% justified in writing a letter to show the troops that they have their back. That is what leaders do. To not write a letter and just sit idly as others sling disrespect and mockery, regardless of medium, would be concerning to me.
They are justified for nothing. The are pawns in military uniforms. It is not the job of a general or an admiral to protect the image of Rummy. It is their jobs to protect the soldiers from injuries and death. Let the idiot PR people at the white house protect Rummy or Bush or Coldaliesalot.
Originally Posted by Jimellow
Is the cartoonist justified in creating and publishing such art? Absolutely, but a response from those leading the men featured in such cartoons are also fully justified in sending signed letters expressing their disapproval.
This isn't about justification. This is about job descriptions. Admirals and generals have jobs to do, and that does not include bullshitting for the current administration.