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Old 02-03-2006, 07:40 PM   #6 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
mal has some great ideas!

One of my favorite "starters" is a Shittake Frittata Bundle with Prosciutto. It's kind of like a baked omlette with cheese and mushrooms cut into small squares that are then wrapped in prosciutto and tied with a chive. It takes a bit of time, but it makes a very nice presentation.

I can't find the exact recipe around here, but here's the basic idea:

-4-6 eggs (adjust to how much you want)
-1/2 cup (at least) chopped Shittake mushrooms
-1-2 chopped shallots
-1 clove garlic, chopped
-milk (quantity is dependant on number of eggs used)
-Prosciutto ham, sliced into 2" wide strips, these should be much longer than they are wide
-Chives (at least as many chives as you'll have "squares", I recommend having some extras, as they tend to break)
-2-3 Tbsp cheese (I like Asiago)
-Salt (I like Kosher), you'll not be needing much of this, if at all
-Pepper, fresh cracked is best

1. Mix garlic, shallots, mushrooms, milk and eggs in a bowl, being sure to incorporate all ingredients fully. Season with a bit of pepper. I recommend against salting at this point, as the Proscuitto will add quite a bit of saltiness.
2. Pour mixture into a saute pan over medium-low heat. Lift the edges of the egg as it solidifies, allowing liquid egg to come in contact with the pan (as you would an omelette).
3. Once the egg begins to "set", but still has some softer spots on top, place the frittata into an oven set to broil. Watch the egg to make sure it doesn't burn. Once the egg is fully set (firm throughout), remove from the oven and turn the frittata out onto your cutting board.
4. Using a very sharp knife cut the frittata into squares approximately 1.5-2" across
5. Wrap each square in a slice of the meat, then tie with a chive to hold the "bundle" together

It sounds a bit strange, but it's an incredible food that's very attractive and wonderfully delicious, though it's quite savory as opposed to something "sweet".

I would second Mal's recommendation for the goat cheese salad. Also, you can actually sear/sautee goat cheese quickly in a pan to give it a toasted crispness that really brings out it's inherent flavors and greatly increases the pairing with walnuts.
it's all about self-indulgence
majik_6 is offline  

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