Here's a link to one of the cartoons, which frankly, are annoyingly hard to find.
Muhammed with a bomb/turban.
I'm personally dissapointed in the Muslim community for behavior like:
Up to 300 hardline Islamic activists in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country, went on a rampage in the lobby of a building housing the Danish embassy in Jakarta. Shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest), they smashed lamps with bamboo sticks, threw chairs, lobbed rotten eggs and tomatoes and tore up a Danish flag. No one was hurt.
In the West Bank city of Ramallah, hundreds of Palestinians attended a Hamas-organized rally, tearing up a French flag and holding up banners reading: "The assault on the Prophet is an assault on Islam".
I really enjoy how this guy takes the disagreement worldwide.
Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Yuri Thamrin said the dispute was not just between Jakarta and Copenhagen. "It involves the whole Islamic world vis-a-vis Denmark and vis-a-vis the trend of Islamophobia," he said.
Right. Sure. Whatever buddy. Your people's actions are really endearing.
This is cute too:
CNN has chosen to not show the cartoons out of respect for Islam.
It's okay to rebroadcast the living hell out of anything video/voice attributed to that sick Bin Laden fellow, but there will be no disrepecting Islam.
Arab media, especially papers, can regularly villify any Western leader they want, use any symbols they want, but other soverign nations who DO respect free press, can't do anything that offends the Muslims. God forbid we offend the Muslims.
You run into some free speach that offends you, good for you. You feel so offended you feel like writing a letter, organizing a letter writing campaign, blogging about it, organizing a boycott, or even getting yourself on TV to deliver your free speech opinion, and I'm all for you doing that. This whole eagerness to declare "die evil non-muslims" and break things is rediculous.
Remember kids:
It's cool to disrespect national leaders, other religions, but not the bomb throwing, flag torching, effigy lighting, peaceful people of Islam.
Link to the cartoons.