Coming from a Christian perspective. Christians were quite inflamed when an 'artist' put a cross (I forget if it had a figure of Christ ON the cross of if it was just a cross.) and placed in a beaker of piss. An art museum even displayed the 'creation'. Christians protested against it being considered art. YET I don't recall ONE Christian marchin on the museum with guns and a show of force.
As for comparing a depiction of Christ as a suicide bomber it is an inaccurant comparison to Muhammed depicted as a suicide bomber.
Name for me ONE Christian who blew themselves up in a public place in the name of Christ??
Ok, now name for me ONE (or multiple) muslims who blew themselves up in a public place in the name of Muhammed?? or their God??
The cartoons could have been somewhat tasteless but I've seen cartoons in our country that knock Conservatives, Christianity, Creationism, etc and NO ONE reacts like dumbass militants.
If Islam is a peaceful religion then PROVE it. By reacting to criticism and mocking with honest open communication and criticism of their own. They're just showing themselves to be just what the cartoon depicted. I guess it was accurate?
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.