Originally Posted by Ustwo
The difference between this and your examples are the fact that yours involve humans. Animals are under different laws. If you want to kill your pets you can, if done in a 'humane' way. Live stock is slaughtered and eaten and we wear their skin. As long as the animal wasn't hurt, what harm was done to it? Does it feel violated and unclean in the animal kingdom? Does it no longer enjoy sex with other horses due to the trauma? Animals are not retarded people, nor do we treat them as such in any case but apparently this.
Ok, couple of quickies:
1. I'm going to set up a "humane pet killin" station in my backyard. I'm going to the humane society, get dogs and cats that are slated to be euthanized, take them home, and humanely kill the everliving fuck out of them. I'm going to sit back and see how long I get away with it before my ass is in serious trouble. I'm pretty sure I'll get popped on some animal cruelty laws, regardless of whether or not I can prove that the animals feel no pain, even if they were going to be dead in a day or two regardless.
2. As for the lifestock killing vs. livestock fuckin part, I'm going to go with we have to eat, or else we die. We've evolved to eat meat, and some would claim that we should and could avoid eating animal flesh to feed ourselves. Regardless, eating stuff is pretty necessary for life, period. Fucking horses, or being fucked in the ass by a horse, I believe, may constitute a more difficult argument to convince an unbiased individual of its necessity.
"I was horny, your honor, and the horse was there."
"Why didn't you jack off?"
"Well, I mean, I was horny, and it was a horse, and I wanted to take that popeye powered pud straight up the gizzard. duh!!"
I mean, I guess different strokes for different folks, but I'm putting horsefucking on the strict list of shit that I'm pretty ok with being illegal. I'm going to have a harder time making homosexual acts or (gasp!!!) group sex illegal. You know, some people do seem to think that fucking is strictly supposed to be between
one man and
one woman, so if there was anyone on this board who was into the swinger scene and group sex, and if someone showed up at the next orgy with their partner Domino Dusts the Corncrop, I suppose that person would be ok, morally and ethically, with tagteaming some hot little tramp, while the guy next to him took the 4 in. diameter shaft of a purebred right in the steamer?
As for consent, do we prosecute animals for murder when they trample or maul the shit out of people? Do we convict mosquitos of "blood theft"? Neightbor's dog shits a squiggly pyramid in your yard...goes to jail for public defecation? I mean, they all consented to what I would assume would be crimes if a person did them?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that people should be tried for the crime of horse raping, but I think horse fucking would be a pretty good start. Whatever it takes to make them stop...short of ripping a hole in their ass that kills them.