Brain Teasers
We were advised that hubby would have some "chemo-brain" effects, and we were given some good ideas for minimizing the problems. One of the recommendations was the use of brain teasers to encourage brain stimulation.
Our local paper is now publishing a daily Sadoku puzzle, and Mr. Elph has jumped on those. He also does the cross-word puzzle and plays forecell. He enjoys reading, but he has been having difficulty in concentrating on the written word. I plan on bringing out the backgammon, cribbage, and chess boards over time.
I would welcome any other suggestions y'all might recommend that provide a spectrum of challenges to the thought processes. I don't wish to give the impression that he is currently a drooling neandrethal. He is quite intelligent under ordinary circumstances, which makes this "fuzzy" brain thing all the more noticeable.
Many thanks in advance,