Hold on, folks. I agree that religious fanatics tend to lack a sense of humor, and I thought the reactions to the Danish newspaper were overdone.
However, let's look at principles here. I don't understand why other European newspapers have published the cartoons. Imagine if all those newspapers had caricatures of Jews, all across Europe... gee, would anyone say that if Jews didn't like it, they were just way oversensitive and had no sense of humor? I highly doubt it.
What if an American paper published a cartoon making fun of black people, Latinos, Chinese? It would not happen, or it would be severely looked down upon. How is this situation any different?
It's not a matter of free press, it's a matter of tolerance and not stooping to the level of adolescents passing cartoons around in school. Political cartoons... now, they are often sophisticated enough to give the audience a better understanding of a complex issue. But I fail to see how these cartoons are acceptable journalism in any format, regardless of how overreactive "the Muslims" are being (and gee, what a nice generalization that is, since they are all obviously of one mind?).
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran