You just have to find the trigger that MAKES you want it, and its all or nothing, you can't partially want to lose weight or get in shape you have to give it 100%..
Amen! I can't tell you how many people at my work are "on a diet" either recently or for several months and haven't lost a pound. They see my results and ask me how I did it. When I respond that it was a drastic lifestyle change (all low-fat foods, give up drinking, excersize) they all have the same response. "Well, that's too hard core, I'll do it my own way." And guess what, their way still includes a doughnut for breakfast, or a big cheeseburger for lunch, or perhaps a giant salad SWIMMING in an oily dressing.
It's obvious to me that they simply haven't fount that trigger to kick them into high gear.