Originally Posted by NoSoup
I'm not trying to knock your system, it's just...
Well, let me put it to you this way. If you can consistantly earn those types of returns, and started out with say... $100,000.00. After 30 years, you would have...
$ 4,247,639,640,868.06
That's 4.2 TRILLION dollars. Starting with only 100 grand.
In my mind, if I knew that I could guarentee myself 4.2 TRILLION dollars in 30 years with only a hundred grand to start with, I don't think charging 20 bucks here for a book or five hundred there for a course would really matter to me.
However, being an investor yourself, you can imagine that you will meet many people such as I - disbelief, shock, etc are likely going to be our first thought.
I'll tell you what, though - If you can somehow guarantee me a 30% interest rate I'll fork over my cash to you. You can even keep the additional 25-30% that you earn on it. Which, over a long term, could be worth a couple trillion bucks
I love it! But you're right, the initial investment is irrelavent.
I guess the thing to bear in mind is that we are not machines, and the likelyhood of us consistently producing high profits - or even bothering to -once you've got to the first trillion
are pretty minimal. But we can learn to allow success in. That's why half of my technique is mindset. That's our biggest saboteur, and that's the hardest thing to master. As you can see, if your first reaction is 'this is impossible', then you're hardly in a frame of mind to even let a small part of it in. And it's not going to happen if you have already discounted the possibility even before the first hurdle. Yes? You have to at least have enough belief in it, in the possibility, in yourself, to take the first step and do something about it - in a positive frame of mind, and not with the intention of simply disproving it for yourself.
The other important factors that lurk in your reply, are the issues of empowerment and responsibility. Why would you want to hand your money over to someone else rather than do it yourself? You can do it yourself!
We pay dearly for not taking responsibility and for not being empowered - and we are constantly being told that it's not safe to do either. It's in the interests of all the financial institutions to keep you disempowered. How else can they make a living? And they have to tell you that anything other than their solution is 'unsafe'.
But you can learn to do exactly what they do with your money, and not paying for their overheads, their employees, their taxes, their profits. You don't have to be a genius to do it either. Is your bank full of geniuses? It's just some education that's needed.
You have to decide on the journey you want to make in life, and how much you want to be in charge of it.
I believe you can have your soup and eat it.