Hello to each and every one of the kind, talented, intelligent and beautiful TFP ladies,
I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you... lately, i've been going through a bit of a time with my self-esteem and you've all rallied around me with such kindness and true genuine compassion... it's mind blowing...
So i thank each of you for your comments in threads and your thoughtful pms and every kind action.
You are all really wonderful and i'm so very happy i have this place to come and be one of the girls
This is mostly just a thread to say that i think each of you are very special people and really deserving of happiness.
Thanks to each of you for bringing me out of a dark place
You've all reminded me that we are each unique and wonderful women, with a lot to give to each other and the world.
Anyone else who wants to say thank you to anyone... feel free
I'm just feeling a lot of love for you ladies...
((( GROUP HUG ))))
*sniff sniff