Originally posted by jch41878
I really like when a band changes as I change...
This will probably sound silly, but the less a band changes with time, the happier I am.
Remember Guns N' Roses? "Appetite For Destruction" was an amazing rock album, full of hard guitar and high-energy lyrics. I still throw it in my CD player, and Geffen is still putting it out. It's hard as Hell to find a used copy.
So how did they get to "Use Your Illusion II"? Through the process that people call "musical growth".
Remember the Ramones? The only differences between their earlier albums and their later albums (besides slight changes in their lineup) were better equipment and a few more chords in the songs, along with Joey using his voice range a bit more.
THAT is the kind of musical growth I'd like to see more of. A band doesn't have to alter their style of music dramatically to grow; all it takes is a few more chords, some better equipment, a slight lineup change maybe and the frontman using his voice range a bit more.
If a band doesn't want to make the same kind of music any more, they should break up and find groups that suit them now. I guess what depresses me most is that some could say that's
exactly what happened with RATM, and look at the result.