I didn't mean to offend anyone. I didn't even think of it as casting judgement. I assure you that is not what I had in mind. I know I look at myself judgementally, and I know my beautiful, slender friends do as well. I think I was just putting the emphasis on it so much because it is what everyone seems to obsess over. I know girls who are just naturally slender and I would never accuse them of doing anything harmful to their bodies, or being shallow. In fact I wasn't trying to accuse anyone here of that either. I was simply stating that as a girl who wants to be an actress, it worries me that I could be limited not by talent, but by weight. There are too many types to try to define a perfect one. I guess weight just seems to be my, personal, main concern. I'm sorry if I gave off the wrong idea that I was casting judgement on all slender women with my first post. I just think it's wrong to try to identify a perfect type. So again, if I offended it was not my intention.
Sorry, I got a lot of woman to sling around.