The thing that bugs me about this is the way people have assumed that Annika is making a political statement about it all. She's not! She just wants to compete at the next level, because she's a born competitor and that's what she does.
This whole thing started as a joke, a reporter asked her if she'd play a PGA event if invited, and she said sure. So the organizers at the Colonial saw publicity and dollar signs, and made an invitation, and true to her word, she accepted.... There's nothing political or feminist about it.
I think she's awesome, I wish I swung a club the way she does, and I'm proud of her for putting on the showing that she did. It's just regrettable about that string of bogeys late yesterday... Oh well.
Hey, and she was an AMAZING sport about the whole thing. In the press cluster-fuck (usually it's a press conference, but not in this case) after her 18th, she said, "I've climbed as high as I can, and it was worth every step. I don't regret anything about coming here. If a lady is good enough to get an invite or she qualifies, she should have every right to come here. I didn't want it to end. I tested myself from start to finish. That's why I was here."
In your FACE, Vijay!!!