Originally Posted by dksuddeth
All CDC studies are politically motivated. It is just a matter of the current administration and DoJ wants and needs at the time.
So you're telling me that the CDC studies on birth defects, vacinations and the common cold are politically motivated? I'm sorry, but I just don't buy that since I actually know people that work there and how the whole things works. They basically take data provided by hospitals, doctors and other health care professionals and turn it into statistics. The doctors on staff then work with the numbers to figure out what it means. It's pretty much conceeded in Washington that the CDC is immune to pressures from higher-up, unlike the FDA. That's one of the reasons that it (the CDC) is in Atlanta and not DC.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
The data would suggest that ANY home with a gun represents a higher risk of danger to the resident, however, the premise is fundamentally flawed because it doesn't address the issue of responsibility of the gun owner. It just lumps it all together and magically spits out a theory that guns in the home are bad. In actuality, guns in the hands of irresponsible idiots is how the report should read and then it should equate them to the number of accidents in the homes of responsible owners. That would be a better reasoned comparison of one vs. the other.
I don't think that the premise is flawed at all. Any home with a gun is demonstrably more dangerous than one without one. It's also demonstrably more dangerous to have pets in the home since they can spread disease, attack owners, etc. By your logic, homes without guns would have the same incidence of gun deaths as homes with guns. That is obviously not the case, and I'm sure that wasn't how you meant it. I completely agree that irresponsible idiots with guns need to be eliminated where at all possible, as seen by my post above. Unfortunately the irresponsible idiot label is subjective, and we're left with focusing on what the actual number tell us, especially since there are most certainly home intruders included in the statistics that we're looking at, along with other justifiable homicides.