Originally Posted by dksuddeth
That would be a smart expectation. maybe not disregard it as 'irrelevant', but certainly suspect. I've seen way too many 180's by the bradycampaign to justify taking any info they put out as accurate.
On top of that, it doesn't mention anywhere about a handgun being turned against you if used as a defensive weapon.
So I guess that you're telling me that the CDC studies were politically motivated (footnote for the number of gun deaths in 2002 showing most were suicides or accidents) as was the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control? Neither of these organizations are politically funded or motivated and provide good solid data on a wide range of other issues. I agree that the Kellerman study was fundamental flawed and should be disregarded, but that still leaves a lot of other questions unanswered. I think that my point still stands.
And for the record, I don't think that I ever mentioned anything about a handgun being turned against the user who was using it as a defensive weapon. My point was on general use, not specific home protection. From the CDC study alone (and I understand that it is restricted to fatalities only), a gun is more likely to be used accidentially or in a suicide. Again, the data backs up my point that guns are more likely to be used against a resident than an intruder, and even that is accepting the outlandish idea that all of the deaths counted by CDC were home intruders and not incidents of domestic violence.