As far as these Linksys WRT54G routers go, the only ones that you can use "hacked" firmware on is V1-4. V5 isn't a Linux based box, and therefore, there is no open source code for it in the aftermarket. I've looked all over, but just don't have anything. Larger antennae, and maybe a repeater may be required for me to get to the garage. Thankfully, my WLAN is secure. It's been probed (on purpose, with my approval more than once), and nobody has gotten in. Probably with time it could happen, I'm sure.
If you're curious, WEP128 is enabled, DHCP is on, MAC filtering is on for four NICs, DHCP hands out four IP's...I NEED three, occasionally four, and SSID broadcast is enabled. That's gotta happen for the other two WLANs my laptops try to pick up on.
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.