Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
But, people at this age are often not provided with proper education in order to make the right decisions. I know people my age who have never had any sort of formal sex ed, and are thus relatively cluless. I don't understand how schools and parents can get away with denying children education regarding one of the most important, or at least prevalent, features of human living.
But say that there is a young person of biological maturity, who has been provided with extensive education on the possible effects (mentally and physically) of being sexually active. Why is it that they are not supposed to have sex?
Here are some of my ideas:
* Religon: I have a strong belief that a good deal of the religious beliefs that aim to supress sexuality are still lurking, at least in undertones, even with the nonreligious community.
* Education: Parents are afraid that their children are going to have sex because their children are uneducated in regards to the repercussions. But, they don't want to educate their children beyond the basic reproduction (This is where babies come from) and "Don't do it!" The parental embarrassment about talking about sex with their children has been transfered into the idea that children should not have sex.
So what do you think? Am I nuts for thinking that there's nothing wrong with an educated thirteen year old having sex with another educated thirteen year old? Is this laden psychosis from unconscious trauma from losing my virginity so young? Or am I making a decent argument?
I know that anything that regards youth and sex leads to heated discussion, but please be respectful! I'm glad we have a community here where we can ask these sorts of questions and have respectful and diverse discussion. Thanks!
Welcome to America...
What I want to know is, do other developed countries have the same problem as we Americans who try and shelter children from everything under the sun in the name of "protecting the children?"