Originally Posted by Leto
you're about 2 - 3 yrs younger than I am. And yet you have captured exactly what it was like for me at 13. And the 70's were not a time of innocence.
at 13, although my dream girl would have consisted of a large set of breasts (thank you Woody Allen) I would not have known what to do with them, even though I was physically ready.
Like you said, times seem to have changed, but is an increase in sophistication or loss of naevity (however the hell you spell that) still reason to go ahead and have sex?
from the kid's perspective (then as well as now) hell ya.
Which, if you notice here, is almost where the lines are drawn. The younger the poster, it seems, the more they think kids having sex is just fine. But we parents and older folks say no. Experience of age? Generational change of mores? Or is it that we are safely far enough away from being kids ourselves that we see mistakes with a little less attachment, causing us to reflect more?
A 22 year old and 16 year old now are 40 and 34 down the road-same generation. But push them back 3 years...a 19 year old and a 13 year old? Uh, no....and it's not 'cultural'. It's difference of experiences and knowledge.
I don't think times have changed all that much. Kids had sex when I was 13... girls got pregnant, some married, some gave the babies up, some just had'em.
Ignorance doesn't change. Kids don't really change. Just seems society inundates them with images and ideas that make them think they have to 'grow up' faster. Then you DO grow up and realize....I did that way too fast. And that is not always going to come to you when you're 20.