Your argument seems to go:
i) Capital Punishment of criminals deters crime.
ii) Crime is bad
i + ii) Execute criminals.
As you can see that means that anything from jay walking to genocide should be punished with CP.
But, you are aware of this apparent weakness. The problem is you don't tackle it. You merely say "killing or rape (just examples)" to try and narrow down the field of crimes.
What you need is a few more premises before you can jump to that conclusion. You need to say why rape forfeits life but not manslaughter, or why manslughter but not fatal negligence, or why torture but not GBH. A line must be drawn somewhere and it must be based upon reason, not "I feel that's about where it should be". Either rise to that challenge, or start frying those jay walkers.
I've been 4thTimeLucky, you've been great. Goodnight and God bless!