ngdawg, Yes I was assuming, and I think it is, that this thread is about the mechanical nature of sex, or "fucking." But not all sex has to be about emotional fulfilment. It is not an either or situation, you can have loving, emotional sex one day, and mechanical sex the next. Oh and I meant the risk of death or serious injury from a car, not getting a lemon.
And as far as "giving yourself to another" never getting it back, etc. has more to do with how your culture views such things. There are far worse things to ruin your life than bad sex.
raenna: "There are always risks when pregnancy is involved but why unnecessarily increase the risks??"
If one uses adequate protection, you could probably have lower risk of pregnancy than serious injury or death from driving in a car. Sorry to use the car example so much, but it is a good one, but cars generally arn't nec, yet we still use them allll the time. (Sure theyre nec for some people, but in this ex. I am only concerned with those that could get by on bikes or walking most places.) I think, "shit, Sue got in a car accident and died/got maimed", is worse than "shit, Sue is pregnant."
To be clear, I am not arguing so much for kids to be having sex, I really don't care. But more to change our societies hypicritical view on the matter.
Last edited by Zeraph; 01-28-2006 at 06:25 PM..