Originally Posted by NCB
Why does the play get to be labeled satire and Coulter's joke get to be labeled mean spirited?
I don't think I'd label the play "satire". It certainly seems to be in poor taste--about as poor as Coulter's "murder the liberal justice" joke. I don't know enough about it to really say. My guess is, a dozen people saw the thing, and it closed quietly without another word. You quoted an ad for it, which I'm sure they appreciate--and you refered to it as "critical acclaim from the media". Far as I can tell, the media didn't label it
anything in particular.
Coulter, on the other hand, puts her whole agenda out in front of audiences, the media, and everybody. That entitles her to whatever opinion of her seems most appropriate.
That said, I'd totally do her. But only if I had her in a ball gag first.