The Right wonders why there is so much animosity towards them. Gee when Limbaugh and O'Reilly praise this lady, one need not wonder anymore.
This comes from the lady that seriously stated (and Limbaugh agreed!!!!) that what McCarthy did wasn't wrong.
As she is a figurehead mouthpiece for the Right, they must agree with everything she says right?
I mean the Right continually points to our radicals and tell everyone that's what the Dems stand for.....
Coulter Jokes About Poisoning Justice
2 hours, 56 minutes ago
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, speaking at a traditionally black college, joked that Justice John Paul Stevens should be poisoned.
Coulter had told the Philander Smith College audience Thursday that more conservative justices were needed on the Supreme Court to change the current law on abortion. Stevens is one of the court's most liberal members.
"We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee," Coulter said. "That's just a joke, for you in the media."
Coulter has made a career of writing and lecturing on her strongly conservative views.
At one point during her address, which was part of a lecture series, some audience members booed when she cut off two questioners. "I'm not going to be lectured to," Coulter told one man in a raised voice.
She drew more boos when she said the crack cocaine problem "has pretty much gone away."
Oh and BTW those on the right, if anyone on this board or in the media had said that about Bush, you'd tear them apart and expect appologies..... I eagerly wait to see you tear apart Ms. Coulter.
She says it's joking, but joking about killing someone is idiotic and shows where your true values are.
she said the crack cocaine problem "has pretty much gone away."
I can testify it is still very much out there, but it does have competition with Crystal Meth.