But politicophile, if you think the insurgency will not weaken once we withdraw, what makes you think that the insurgency will die down once they have to face more Iraqi soldiers? If the best soldiers and technology from America can't bring a halt to the insurgency, then how are a bunch of Iraqis going to do it? Simply turning the country over to the Iraqis and watching them fail does not take the responsibility off our shoulders.
Also, I don't think your definition of success in Iraq is far sighted enough. Success should not be simply the establishment of a government, but the long-term maintenance of a peaceful Iraq. Once you look at it this way, it's easy to see why many are not optimistic about our chances for success in Iraq. I'm not sure myself. So the question is, should we continue to hold our soldiers in harm's way when the chances are low that success will ever come about?
Last edited by maximusveritas; 01-27-2006 at 08:15 AM..