There's a recent journal entry by a young man where he rants about how his friends don't think that the girl who currently has his eye on his hot enough for him... He's basically said fuck that -s he's cool - i like who i like...
I'm not hating on men here -- I love men - they are one of my favorite genders... but I really wonder about the mindset where boys think that there is a standard of hotness that they are entitled to?
I was bitching at work the other day about the sense of entitlement that some people have... not hot girlfriend wise... but in perques of the job and other things - things that people expect even though they cost money and really aren't part of the job-- it's an entitlement... Where does this atttitude come from?
I can't even blame a specific age group - I'd love to blame it on the mindset of the younger than me generation that people can do anything they want - and you didn't fail a class, you didn't get a bad grade--a world of no consequences - where mommy told them they werea superstar and they beleived it... but it's also people who were raised in the world that you didn't do the work - you failed - period.. the end...
I'm not sure where the sense of entitlement comes from where any person feels that the person they want to have a relationship with must meet a certain level of hotness.. isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder? Isn't a person supposed to be worth more than just what they look like?
I almost feel like paraphrasing Dr King... I want to be judge not for what I look like, but for the content of my character...
and for the record, our intrepid journaller gets a gold star for his response...