I'm so dead in the morning I don't even wake up when I hit snooze. By the time I finally wake up, I always swear my alarm clock is totally broken. (Did I mention I work graveyard shift and go to bed at 11am?)
So since my alarm clock wouldn't get me up by dinnertime, I decided the "Grab someone in the house to pound on your door for awhile" method. Still didn't get me up, even when they came down 4 times, each time angrier and angrier. So since THAT didn't work, I decided that it would be best for my brother to pound his acoustic drums that happen to be right outside of my door. So they woke me up.. sure.. but then I fell right back to sleep and the drums did nothing. What I need is literally someone to drag me from bed.
I know I don't get enough sleep, and that this is all my fault