Finally my extensive training in women's studies is paying off (all 3 weeks of it).
Why is the bar set so high for women?
There is no equality, women are the largest minority group out there, the competition for men is rough, so, in order to get the job a man would normally get quite easily a woman has to match or exceed education and skill. And she has to look the part. Sophisticated, flawless. She needs to be the best in every way...wrong I know. (can you tell I've been doing a lot of feminist theory?)
Can women live up to this?
That depends, can a woman excersise and eat well? Yes. Can a woman apply make up and style her hair?" Usually Can a woman dress in a style that tidy and neat? yes. But when you're working 40+ hours a week, doing double duty and have bills to pay and children to get off to school at 7 a.m. it can be nearly impossible. In theory, they can, in practise, not so much.
Though I am not a professional, when I'm going out or going to class I make the effort to put on pants (not sweatpants or pajamas), I brush my hair and apply make up. Appearance is very important to me so I maintain mine in a way that someone who isn't as into fashion or make up might not.
However, I think that those who are seeking out employment in the "professional" world should be judged based on their education and skills and not cheekbones and mascara.
Edit: I just saw the perfect example, I had to get out of bed and post haha.
A commerical for Ziploc, the bags that you dont have to pinch and check to make sure they're sealed. The woman using the generic brand has a more matronly figure, is a little bit older and dressed in frumpy clothes. However, the woman using the Ziploc bags is young, very trim and dressed in dark jeans and a nice top, this didn't have in one of the ads but two different ones. It's funny how you don't notice this stuff until you really watch the advertisement.
But there it is, the perfect example of how primed and polished women are seen as having it "together" even if it is just keeping peppers fresh.
Last edited by Lead543; 01-27-2006 at 01:19 AM..