i'd probably wear shorts and a towel and flipflops or soemthing like that, mainly bc it's guys...all guys...
but anyway...
So i'm on my 2.5 week dealio and i've run into a slight observation: Let's say i go in and do cardio...like 30-40 minutes, level ten of 25 and burn roughly 300-350 calories...then go on to weights...and on weights..let's say i start off with 2 sets of 12-15 reps with muscle fatigue setting in near the end...which is fine...
but after 2 weeks or so, i've probably bumped the weights up a good 20% in order to keep hitting the fatigue mark, but i'm mainly interested in trimming down and getting a leaner look. I don't wanna keep pushing more and more weight, honestly.
what should i do?