Originally Posted by rlbond86
First of all, Amnesty international has often been criticized of its bias. For more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesty...m_and_rebuttal
second, you're comparing bombing buses, buildings, and cars to the ICJ saying a WALL is against international law? I've eaten in a restaurant that was destroyed by a suicide bomber a few months later.
Moreover, there have been several instances of Palistinian terrorists being injured, who were rushed to Israeli hospitals, only to be discovered for carrying bombs to try to kill Israelis. Who are the good guys here?
NEITHER. Jeez. Since the present Palestinian intifada against Israeli occupation started, on 29 September 2000, the Israeli army killed more than 700 Palestinians, including 150 children. Most were killed unlawfully — in reckless shooting, shelling and air strikes in civilian residential areas; in extrajudicial executions; and as a result of excessive use of force. Palestinian armed groups killed 109 Israelis — 67 of them civilians and including eight children — in suicide bombings, shootings and mortar attacks. Who are the bad guys here? Both sides. People like to think that because Israeli's actions are state sanctioned that they are not terrorists. They just as much terrorists as Palestinians, if not moreso, because they have the military power to back down.
Originally Posted by rlbond86
You also seem to be against Israel anyway, as per a previous post, where you claimed Israeli evidence against Iraq was "faulty":
Now it seems to me you are against Israel, and blind to the fact that HAMAS is a terrist organization. The U.S. even says they are terrorists.
In section 32 of the Hamas Charter they cite Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a known hoax about Jewish control of the world. It has been known to be a hoax since the 1930's, and the Charter was written in 1988. Do you need any more evidence than that?
Oh, I am very much against the current actions of the Israeli state. I think that there are a great deal of villans who are misrepresenting the best interest and needs of the Israeli people by continuing to bomb and kill the Palestinian people. I suspect that most Israelis want PEACE with the Palestinians (I know of several who do). Likewise, the Palestinians are mostly very peaceful and intelligent people. The unfortunate actions of a select few serve to misrepresent Palestinians on the whole. There are a few villans who do a disservice to their own people by continuing this terrible war. I look at the Israeli government as I look at the US government, and I will continue to feel this way until I see real reform in either.
Hamas is now the same kind of terrorist organization as Israel. State sanctioned terrorism. Whether this will serve to help or hurt the situation is anyones guess. I, like several who have state earlier in this thread, need to wait and see before I say if this is so bad or so good.