I want to start off by saying that 'That woman' can't possibly be as perfect as she appears. There is always something about a person that makes them imperfect. Even the people, who you think look incredible, are worried if they look ok or think that they look terrible at times. And who knows, maybe you are 'that woman' to someone else.
Now to answer your questions:
Questions for you:
How do you see yourself in the mirror when you look into it? If you asked me this a few years ago, I would answer much differently than today. Back then I hated myself so much that looking in the mirror would drive me close to suicide. But today after a lot of work on my inner-self, I typically like what I see. I'm not perfect by any means. I have blemishes, scars, and other imperfections, but I'm me and I have accepted them. There are days where I feel blah and think I'm just a hideous pile of flesh and bone, but most days I don't mind looking at myself at all.
Why do you think the bar is set so incredibly high for women? One word: MEDIA
And can women really live up to this? (some women seem too and they seem so successful)
NO! These women in the media aren't perfect. Airbrushing and makeup and other tricks of the trade make them look so good. I think confidence in yourself will give you the appearance without all the extra work and headaches.
Is anyone here actually living up to this image of the in control and perfectly styled professional women? (i'd like to know how! )
I think that I am in the capacity that I'm confident in myself and know how to carry myself. I love fashion, so dressing professionally and doing make-up is fun for me. I don't see it as hard work and I don't do it for anyone but myself. Although looking good for jj is a bit of my motivation, but I don't see that as a duty or feel pressure from him to dress a certain way.
How many of you are generally happy with the way you are present yourself phsyically, professionally?
I have come along way and I'm generally happy with myself. I was out of shape and was letting myself go after marriage and starting my carreer. However, now that I'm settled and exercising more, I feel that I am where I want to be. I don't kill myself and I eat whatever I want in moderation. I don't push to be super-skinny or to be the 'perfect' woman. I'm confident in myself and I dress and present myself in a way that makes me happy. If I live to please other people, I would be miserable and that's not fun.