What a strange notion... if only American politics followed your example.
Just because the majority of people elected the Republican Party doesn't give them the authority to invade another country...
I couldn't agree more which is why I said the original intentions of our government has degraded from what it was.
Hamas has been elected because even the Palestinians could see that Arafat and Abbas were ineffective. They have elected a government that they feel will be effective in getting them their land.
I agree with roachboy on this... this discussion is pointless without discussing the whole picture.
I stick by my original feeling that we should wait and see. Now that Hamas is in power, the ball is in their court. They will either compromise on their position or they won't. Judge them by their future and current actions rather than their past.
We should judge them on their past and future. Being elected doesn't vindicate past atrocities which is what I was trying to get at.