You may be dissatisfied because I detect a hint of the horrible monster Comparison in your thoughts.
There is someone i am comparing myself to. And she is Literally the PERFECT professional... always efficient, always with intelligent advice on every thinkable work subject... not to mention, she presents herself perfectly in her phsyical appearance, indeed, she always looks like she just stepped off the pages of Vogue (and i am not kidding here). So i know it's possible for some women to be the perfect professional woman... and it's not so much comparison, but that i feel that's what a professional woman should be....
Are you certain it's a constant message of "Be perfect" others are sending...or is that just what you are hearing?
Well, it is this one woman for sure... and it's also the comments my boss has been making that have been affecting me...
You are a sweetheart, thanks
Originally Posted by Sultana
I think I am happy in that regard, because I do the best I can with the resources I have decided to allot, and let go of the rest.
That's wonderful, i hope to be there someday. Was there ever a time when you didn't feel happy? and how did you overcome it?
Aka, how did you silence the 'perfection' monsters?