How do you see yourself in the mirror when you look into it?
Very ugly creature and cant understand why anyone would like me
Why do you think the bar is set so incredibly high for women?
there are super models displayed in every ad, and the easy accessibility of porn- yes I know the models are airbrushed - but it's the expectation that these women look like this - -ergo all women should look like that and there's something wrong with you if you dont
And can women really live up to this? (some women seem too and they seem so successful)
some women do - and some women don't care and have enough confidence int hemselves to let that not caring be attractive and shine forth (note all the women, including yourself, that post in exhiibition)
Is anyone here actually living up to this image of the in control and perfectly styled professional women? (i'd like to know how! )
not me
How many of you are generally happy with the way you are present yourself phsyically, professionally?
Not at all... professionally, I used to be - but my company has been in such turmoil for the past two years -- part of me says - bail out and do something else - but the other part of me says you were there from the very beginning - you have to see it thru til the end...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.