Originally Posted by willravel
Which suggests that what Israel has done up until now hasn't been legal. That should give you some hint as to why the Palestinians are willing to go so far and do so much harm to the Israeli people.
i think mojo was alluding to a more recognizable relationship between the two. "nice and legal" meaning... "more conducive to fitting within existing framework". there is far less established law/protocol in dealing with internationally-subsidized human bombs and more structure for relations between two sovereign states.
edit: mojo already addressed this before my response was submitted, i'll let him speak for himself.
A giant wall around the West Bank isn't a concession, it's a prison. Our ultimate goal should walys be peace for all people. Letting Israel finally finish off the Palestinians isn't peace. It's genocide.
where did this fantasy begin? i'd like to hear a serious argument establishing this in reality. it should explain how israel's supposed genocidal objectives jive with the thousands of palestinians living in israel-proper who enjoy full rights as citizens... even though jews living in hamas-controlled territory would have been butchered long ago.
the two sides are not on equal moral footing. i'm at a loss at why people try so hard to make them so.