First all action taken thus far by Israel has been legal, one of the sole functions of a government is to protect its sovereign. They have recieved much condemnation sure, but they are doing what any other country would do, especially when it comes to dealing with a hostile population surrounding its country. The State Palestine lost the fight with Israel along time ago, it has been only through concessions from Israel that they exist today, some very generous concessions I might add.
Your comment about the loosely affiliated groups is a TOTAL copout, it almost doesn't merit a counter point because of its sheer ridiculousness. That not withstanding the sole goal of Hamas is armed resistance against Israel, the ending point being the total destruction; saying that terrorist action taken "by loosely affiliated groups" is just straight up false.
As for that wall, I remember a few people on these boards bitching about it, but then their voices seemed to lose all clout when the FACT was presented that since the walls rising, terrorist attacks have dramtically been reduced. But it must be some coincident perpetuated by teh Evil Bushco.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.
Last edited by Mojo_PeiPei; 01-26-2006 at 03:30 PM..