If you're experiencing that much trouble getting through instances at your level, I would suggest foregoing instances until you hit 60. On your way, put your feelers out for the names of some of the better instance running guilds (not the raid guilds) and so when you decide you want to run Scholo, DM, Strath, or whatnot, you can fill your group with halfway decent people. It's safe to assume that if you fill your party with people under 60 to tackle BRD or ST then at least half of them have never been there before. When you hit 60, you'll meet people who know instances like the back of their hand because they run them over and over to get various items.
Stratholme, for instance, I have run close to 100 times, in search of various items. First it was 35 times to get my class set legs, now I run it a couple times every week with my guild to farm Righteous Orbs and try to get that stupid flask recipe to drop. Members who often run with us find themselves very frustrated with pickup groups because we can plow through the entire Stratholme instance in half the time it takes a pickup group to do only one side.
So the moral of the story is, if time and competence is a concern for you, for a better gaming experience, surround yourself with people who know what they're doing.
Anyways, I wanted to ask other people from other servers...
My guild recently started raiding MC together. We have a handful of MC veterans and the rest had never stepped foot in MC. Well, in our first week, we got to Ragnaros. In our second week, we took down Onyxia. In our third week, we killed Ragnaros. I am wondering how that would compare with the progress of other guilds?