Originally Posted by irateplatypus
really? you think every good political organization should be in charge of providing education to children and be the gatekeepers of hospital care? that seems like a disastrous idea. i'm certain you would hate the reality of living under such a system.
You ask that question of a Canadain? where that system is a reality.
And better reality than we have here in the states.
What with heathcare costs rising ten times inflation
companies and workers going broke trying to pay for healthcare.
Originally Posted by irateplatypus
i don't understand the need morally equivocate at every turn.
VERB: 1. To stray from truthfulness or sincerity: palter, prevaricate, shuffle. See TRUE. 2. To use evasive or deliberately vague language: euphemize, hedge, shuffle, tergiversate, weasel. Informal : pussyfoot, waffle. Idioms: beat about (or around) the bush, mince words.
Using big words to call someone a liar?
Originally Posted by irateplatypus
just because there is good and evil on both sides (as is always the case when dealing with men and women), it shouldn't prevent us from realizing that Hamas is an organization with plainly-stated evil as its objective. that a population actively supports such an organization is indeed an evil thing.
A nation to call their own is evil?
Resisting oppression is evil?
They are at war........
Wait.....I get it.... it evil if it's on the otherside
Good is only allowed for friends and allies
Evil is everyone else.
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