I don't see why Israel doesn't step up and say "ok.. here's your land palistinians.It's your now. We'll go away, here are the borders.. if you don't like it tough." Then there will be the two states and anything that happens after that will be considered two countries at war. Why have both sides been dragging their feet for so many decades? Sharon started to pull Israeli people from disputed territories.. ok. Now why not just finish the job by saying "ok, now you guys run your shit and we're outa here."
I don't think the US should involve itself with two sides who obviously don't want peace. If they truly wanted peace there would have been peace long ago. There have been border lines relatively agreed upon for a long time now. Both sides know where they stand, and anything else is just posturing. End this crap and leave eachother thehell alone. If you don't wnt to do that you don't want peace and are just talking out of your ass. (by you and your i refer to Israel and palestine for any posters who may mistake me for refering to them hehe)
Just end it.
We Must Dissent.