Right now I'm juggling a few. I decided about two weeks ago to re-read the Dark Tower series (because I'm obsessed), and I'm running through Song of Susannah right now.
I'm also reading Earth by David Brin. It's a book I read years ago and remember almost nothing but having liked it. However, my uncle (who I haven't seen in years) gave me a signed copy, so I thought I'd go through and get back into it.
I'm also, for class, reading a lot of Chekhov. He's an author I'd heard of, had some interest in getting around to, and thus I decided to take a class on his work. He's not Tolstoy, so don't go into him expecting that. But I find him to be good. He has a wonderful gift for finding the beauty in even the most perversely depressing situations, something I try to do and thus appreciate.