That is a great article, I did not even know which one to post since there was easily few dozen that i have read today, and a number in the past few days.
I am torn on Hamas, for a number or reasons. I have a friend of mine who was stabbed about 7 years ago by a hamas member, while just walking down the street while visiting Israel.
I am not trying to remove the Palestenian voice, but the voice that comes is nothing with negotiating, nothing to do with peace. It is a voice of hate, and destruction. They have never disarmed the militant groups, and the terrorists have taken control (true via legitimate means). To me you cannot even talk to them, until they do a 180, and not just a quick 180, they have to change to start dialog, and before any action it has to be proven that it is beyond the surface.
Abbas, while he was pretty much powerless as PM, at least attempted to clean up. Not that he was succesful, but you can talk. But when Hamas 3 days ago, announces they are still for the destruction of Israel, well then you arm your borders and prepare for war. Sadly in Israel that is already a face of life.