Originally Posted by pan6467
I do wonder what the Bushies will say when the next terrorist attack happens and it proves that it came from an illegal who crossed the border unchecked. I wonder what they will say about the phone taps and the illegal detentions and the Pentagon spying and so on, when none of that will have stopped the next terrorist attack.
To answer your question directly
I'm quite sure they allready have a "plan" for border security
Only, if anyone were to read it today;
they would be horrorfied with the details.
The consequences on our civil liberties.
Just like the patriot act was sitting on a shelf,
waiting.....hoping...(planning?)...for 911
When, NOT if ...the attack comes from across the border,
the new border security mesures will be unveiled.
The new border will make the Berlin wall,
look like a nice picket fence.
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