Thoughts about Artest trade
I think the Kings got the better end of the deal and I'd be more than happy to have Artest on my team. I never hear him dog or sell out other players (like T. Owens, Kobe or Peyton Manning) He says wacky things, but when he's on the court he's all about winning and would never pull a stunt like Scottie Pippen and refuse to enter a game (which at least 2 NBA players just this year have been suspended for doing.)
I still think the Lakers blew it by not going after him. When you think of the triangle who reminds you more of Pippen: Lamar or Artest? I'm sure Artest can figure out how to pass when asked to.
I am also still stunned at how lame Pacer management is. Players ask to be traded all the time. Artest has said far wackier things. If you really wanted to get rid of him why not let him continue to play, laugh about the statement to the press and then work a deal from a stronger position instead of trying to move a lame duck.
The only thing Artest ever did that was worse than something Rasheed Wallace would do was going into the stands. Baseball players do it without being suspended for the year. Hockey players have done it with minimal suspension. It's a non-issue for football players because of the high walls around the playing area.
I've gotten into fights playing indoor soccer, rec basketball, and ice hockey. When you're playing any contact sport you are in a constant state of testosterone flow and your rage is always on the brink. If someone threw a cup full of something at me just after almost getting in a fight, I'm going into the stands.
This guy doesn't beat his wife, I don't think he has 10 kids and he wasn't involved in a murder like a certain NFL middle linebacker who still plays and everyone acts like it's okay I'm really not sure why all the hate for Artest, he's silly and stupid yes, but so is half of the NBA.
"Remember, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen." -Homer
Unless you are the freakin Highlander, what is the point in learning how to fight with a sword?