Originally Posted by pan6467
Because ultimately as commander-in-chief he is responsible.
I find that statement coming from you just as ridiculous as I do when Bush says it. People who blame Bush for everything are no more convincing than Bush himself saying he can do whatever he wants.
We disagree here because I have been called all kinds of names and told I cannot support our men if I do not support the war (which is bullshit).
Yes. I understand. We've all seen quite a bit of that. Actually, this whole "support the troops" phenomenon is just so unrealistic. I mean, how are people supporting the troops? By wishing them well? By saying "I support the troops"? By answering questions properly in USA Today gallop polls? And how are people hurting the troops by neglecting to say "I support the troops"? I will not put on pom-poms and a skirt and jump up and down and cheeer for something I don't agree with. In the same breath, I am not cheering for the death and destruction of America or anyone in it, either.
I'm just done having strong opinions on the matter. Everyone is just so full of hot air.
I'll tell you, I'm apathetic to the whole thing. And knee-jerk reactions to statements like mine by wing-nuts on both sides should make it all the more clear why I feel this way. Being called "unpatriotic" or "patriotic" doesn't make me feel one way or the other. What extremists think of my opinions is of no interest to me.
Now I ask you, how can you say you support the troops when the company we have hired to supply them and to deliver the goods, hasn't, and you make excuses and turn the blind eye to it all?
I don't know. What I find sad it that most who find Bush agreeable also find Haliburton agreeable. And most who find Bush not so agreeable also find Haliburton not so agreeable. Which makes the whole topic a wash, as nothing can actually be discussed without people taking their partisan blinders off for a few minutes.
Now having these accusations and people laughing it off, saying it's a political attack and then turning blind eyes maybe allowing it to continue..... is that not worse than protesting the war?
I agree it should probably be looked into a bit more. Just because people on this board are laughing it off doesn't mean no one in the real world is paying attention.
People sit and accuse me for using MY RIGHT to protest and speak out...... they say I am hurting morale........ when all these things that Halliburton has been doing is going unpunished and the GOP simply do not seem to care.
People say you're hurting morale by speaking your mind. Bush started this whole way of thinking. It's baffling. It's just that they don't know how to change your mind, so they just cut out the argument and paste up the accusation: GUILTY.
And people just eat it up.