Originally Posted by samcol
Your government likes it too. The UK, not unlike other states, has a long history of using it's army to disarm other nations and bringing them under their control or essentially enslaving them.
The last time the UK enslaved anyone, was many many years ago (if you count formal slavery), and I'm pretty sure that we made slavery illegal before the US.
In the main, countries taken over in less enlightened times have been given back to the indigenous peoples. Nowadays they seem to quite like us - after all the vast majority of them are in the commonwealth.
The unarmed nature of the UK does not lead to tyranny as an earlier poster mentioned. Any government can only rule by the consent of the people.
An armed populace doesn't keep them free - it leads to the local tyranny of the strong and ruthless. The US is not the shining beacon proving that freedom comes from a heavily armed populace; it is the exception that proves the rule "armed populations are unstable and violent".