Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
I believe that the majority of those opposed to the war in Iraq, were, and still are, in favor of the military action in Afghanistan...as it was shown to be warranted. Iraq has been nothing but a hotbed of contention, with stories changing daily, since day one. I don't see the connection. I can support the military (I was military), without necessarily supporting the war in Iraq. I do support the war in Afghanistan. Should I stop the serviceman, in the airport, and ask him what Theater of Operations he served in, before spitting on him? (not that I ever would, but you get the idea)
I agree completely with this
Going into Afghanistan was nessassary, Iraq was not.
Mistreating the returning solders from Vietnam was wrong,
I'm glad people have realized that.
Talk about going after the wrong people.
As far as Joel Stein' article goes...
He make's a few good points,
he make's more points I disagree with.
But as a good friend (and career millitary man)
once told me: "I totally disagree with that statement, but I will fight to the death to protect your right to say it"
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