Originally Posted by Hugh Hewitt Radio Show
Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein today saying he doesn't support the troops.
HH: All right. Now who is your...this is a column about the troops that begins, "I don't support our troops." We'll get to the specifics in a second. But who is your closest family member or friend who is on active duty?
JS: That's an excellent question. I wouldn't say I have a very close friend. I would say only acquaintances. No family at all.
HH: Who are your acquaintances?
JS: There was a guy who works at Time, that's where I worked last, who quit to serve in the military.
HH: What's his name?
JS: (pause) You know, I'm blanking on his name. But your point is well taken that I don't have many people that I even know who are in the military.
HH: Do you have any, though, other than this guy at Time whose name you can't remember?
JS: (pause) I'd say I've been pretty isolated from that. I mean, that's a point I made in the column.
HH:...Let's go on. Did you support the troops when they invaded Afghanistan?
JS: I've had really complicated emotions about Afghanistan. Obviously, I wanted to get Osama bin Laden and take out al Qaeda. I didn't know if that was the best method of doing it at the time.
HH: So, you didn't support them then?
JS: I did not support the invasion of Afghanistan, no.
HH: Did you support the troops when they were in the Pentagon on the morning of 9/11, when the terrorists hit it?
JS: Sure.
HH: And so, what's the difference between supporting them there and not supporting them in Afghanistan or Iraq?
JS: Well, I think I said it clear in the column, too. I don't have a...if you are for the war in Iraq, I think obviously, then you should support the troops. My problem is the people who are against the war and support the troops anyway, I think that's kind of an excuse. I think that's a way of making you feel better about your guilt, and I think that's kind of a lazy form of pacifism.
HH: Did you support the troops when they delivered, say, tsunami relief off of aircraft carriers and via supply ships?
JS: Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply in the column that I don't think we should have a military.
HH: Now wait. This is the last...well, let me give you the two last paragraphs of your column. "I'm not advocating that we spit on returning veterans like they did after the Vietnam War. But we shouldn't be celebrating people for doing something we don't think was a good idea. All I'm asking is that we give our returning soldiers what they need: hospitals, pensions, mental health, and a safe and immediate return. But please no parades. Seriously, the traffic is insufferable." So you obviously do not honor their service?
JS: I don't honor their service? The people serving in Iraq right now?
HH: Yeah.
JS: I honor them as human beings, and I want them home safe.
HH: But you don't honor their service?
JS: I honor police service. I honor military service. Any...I just think that...
HH: You do honor military service?
JS: Yeah. No, I'm grateful for people that serve in the military.
HH: But you don't support our troops?
JS: I don't...I don't believe in supporting the troops in an action that you don't believe in.
HH: And so, that would be everything I've named thus far. So I guess...did you support and honor the troops in the Pentagon on 9/11?
JS: Sure, yeah.
HH: And the people who've died in Afghanistan. Have they died in vain?
JS: Well, um, do I think that I, as an American, are safer because of what they did?
HH: That wasn't what I asked. I askd did they accomplish anything in going to Afghanistan.
JS: If I were an Afghani, I would probably...if I lived in Kabul, I probably would think that they accomplished something, sure.
HH: Do you know how big it is?
JS: Um, how many active troops there are? No, I don't.
HH: And do you know what a private makes?
JS: Salary wise? No.
JS: ...[D]o you do a harder work than someone in the military?
HH: I try and give a lot of attention and honor and props and support to the military, like Soldiersangels.com, and other drives to bring technology and relief to people who've been wounded. Do you do anything like that?
JS: No, I don't give to the military. I give to other charities, but not directly to military-related ones.
HH: Have you been to a military hospital?
JS: I have never been to a military hospital.
HH: Have you met a wounded veteran?
JS: Have I met a wounded veteran? Um, I think that's something you'd remember, so I'm going to say no.
HH: ...Do you think objectively, that Iraq is better off today than it was in February in 2003?
JS: Februrary...um, again, I haven't been...it's hard for me to say. It's not a great place, and I think it's better than it was under Saddam.
HH: If you had it to do over again, would you write this column?
JS: Yes. I would. I might change some things. I might be clear. But the primary thesis of the column I still believe in, although I sound to you very convincing.
End of interview.