"(d) we are here for different reasons and not everyone should find God..."
I suppose you could include that under "c", by expanding it only slightly:
"(c) [God] chooses to interact (or not) on an individual basis, in such a way that only those who are seeking / willing to accept will do so." The individual interaction would allow room for different people to receive different messages.
I personally believe that God does not act in ways that are self contradictory, nor does he change His nature.
This (to me) would seem to preclude Buddhism and Christianity from both being true. However, I admit that (1) my vantage point is of necessity inferior to that of Gods; (b) God is certainly within his “rights” to accept any one or any path He may choose to.
In any case, while I believe I am told to follow a certain path and encourage others to follow the same path, I am also emphatically and repeatedly warned not to judge those who do not.
A point that I may not have been clear on was that I think my belief should be followed not because it is “good” or “healthy” but because it is literally true. I am willing to listen to those who think they have evidence it is not so, just as I am happy to discuss with those who are interested why I believe the way I do. However, I also realize that due to the individual nature of the interaction, I will never truly persuade anyone on my own. The best I can hope for is to encourage someone to seek the truth with an open mind, and that in so doing they will find it.