Originally Posted by maleficent
look it up in your Funk and Wagnalls was the phrase heard around my house constantly - and in school as well
My school librarian used to use that phrase, but we had Encyclopedia Brittanica at school.
You can imagine my shock when I thought my librarian was telling me "Go look it up in the Fucking Wagnell's..."
Remember the television commercials offering a complete set of Encyclopedia Brittanicas for the low price of 29.95 per month, and you will get a new letter every month for 24 months! (I think they crammed Q and R together, as well as XYZ).
I was jealous, because some of my friends had encyclopedias at home. Their homework must be a breeze!
I had National Geographic, though, so I had cool pictures pasted into my assignments (and I do mean cut with scissors and paste with glue, not the MS ctrl-c ctrl-v commands).
Shit, I feel old.